KPMG/EY Head Office
Value-optimised head office for KPMG/EY with emphasis on open spaces and sustainability

KPMG/EY Head Office
Building the head office took place over three years, from 2009 to 2012. As well as the construction itself, we were responsible for all engineering disciplines, such as structures, drainage, electricity, plumbing and environmental and geotechnical surveys. Since the opening, we have maintained our good relationship with KPMG/EY and have assisted them in the running of their stunning head office.
Three-leaf clover with unusual shapes and angles
The head office was designed by 3xnielsen A/S. It is shaped like a three-leaf clover with four large atria. This presented an exciting and challenging assignment since it involved many unusual shapes and angles.

Skylights, walkways and a penthouse in steel
The structures are constructed from concrete elements, founded on pillars. Skylights, walkways and a steel penthouse were installed in the atria.
The stability of the building was ensured by means of the floor constructions distributing the horizontal forces from the wind and construction load to the reinforced walls, which were constructed in situ on the first two floors and with concrete elements on the upper floors.
During the construction phase, we successfully focused on the acoustics in order to achieve the optimum sound balance.

DGNB Silver certification
KPMG/EY’s head office was awarded silver under the DGNB sustainability certification system in May 2012. The certification is assessed through a series of sustainability parameters within the areas of the environment, economic and social sustainability.
In 2012, silver certification was the highest award within sustainable construction that existed in Denmark at the time.