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Renovation with specialist skills and a high level of communication

MT Højgaard Danmark has had strong traditions in renovation and transformation since the 1950s.

Today, we are transforming Denmark through many types of renovation projects, from large main and turnkey contracts to minor specialist contracts. In addition, we are part of large regional and municipal framework agreements, carrying out renovation jobs of all sizes.

Regardless of the extent of the renovation, you can expect the same thing: A close collaboration with specialists who maintain a high level of communication and who understand and take into consideration how the renovation affects the surroundings.

We are skilled in:

  • Renovation of social housing
  • Renovation of commercial, office and industrial buildings
  • Renovation of schools and institutions
  • Renovation of hospitals and healthcare facilities
  • Buildings listed and worthy of preservation
  • Concrete renovation
Renovation, MT Højgaard Danmark

Solid competencies in design and project management

With large in-house production in carpentry, masonry, painting and concrete work we are always able to draw on our own craftsmen when it makes sense. We also have solid competencies in design and project management, and we do our utmost to ensure that cooperation with our partners and subcontractors works optimally. In supportive functions, we have many specialists in occupational health and safety, sustainability, user involvement, risk management, VDC, and management of technical installations. All in all, expertise that benefits our renovation clients every single day.

Renovation, MT Højgaard Danmark

Communication is important in any renovation

Regardless of the building or facility we are renovating, we aim to maintain a high level of communication. We want project parties to feel involved and to always be aware of the next step of the renovation. Especially when it comes to renovation projects where we work in or next to buildings where people move about during the renovation, e.g. housing, workplaces or hospitals. Time and time again, more than 70 years of experience with large Danish renovation projects has shown us that communication creates trust, which in turn makes renovation and everyday life easier for everyone.

Renovation, MT Højgaard Danmark

Do you want to know more about our expertise in the field of renovation, or do you want specialised references? Then contact:

Project director  Morten Steen Steensen
+45 2270 6037

Funen & Jutland
Area manager  Lasse Sloth Andersen
+45 2558 6183