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Ringway bridge over Gudenå River

New ringway bridge in Silkeborg will make better space for animal- and plant life.

Ringway bridge over Gudenå River, MT Højgaard Danmark

More room for nature

The current ringway bridge over Gudenåen is a barrier for plants and animals living in the area. That is why we are building a 420-meter-long bridge as a replacement. The bridge will be 360 meters longer than the old bridge, and it will be raised to the same level as the existing highway bridge. The length of the bridge makes room for a new bank area under it. Here plants and animals will have more room along the stream.

Sustainability was an important criterion in the allocation of the project, and MT Højgaard Danmark has thought the environment into every aspect of the assignment. Throughout the building process we go out of our way to protect and consider the surrounding environment. Among other things we focus on preserving trees in the area, we have optimized the amount of steel in the construction, and we buy all of the electricity used on the project as green power. 

Ringvejsbro over Gudenåen, Silkeborg, Broer, Tunneler, MT Højgaard Danmark

New pathways

Apart from demolishing the old bridge and building a new one, we also reroute 260 meters of the ringway on the southern side of the bridge and 100 meters of the road on the northern side. We also reroute temporary pathways for pedestrians and cyclists during the building. When the new bridge is finished, we build permanent pathways.

Ringvejsbro over Gudenåen, Silkeborg, Broer, Tunneler, MT Højgaard Danmark
We are very familiar with building bridges in Silkeborg.
Ringway bridge over Gudenå River, MT Højgaard Danmark

Proud traditions with bridge building

MT Højgaard Danmark has a strong tradition building bridges, and in Silkeborg we already feel at home. The new ringway bridge is almost a copy of the two motorway bridges we have already built right next to the new ringway bridge in 2011-14.

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