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Wastewater Treatment Plant at Lynetten

Wastewater treatment plant serving the inhabitants of Copenhagen acquires two new sewage digesters and a filtering system

Wastewater Treatment Plant at Lynetten, MT Højgaard Danmark

Wastewater Treatment Plant at Lynetten

The plant will be expanded by two sewage digesters comprising 2,800m3 of concrete and 530 tonnes of reinforcement steel. The digesters are 30m high with a total capacity of 12,000m2.

MT Højgaard began the project in 2014 by demolishing the two existing sludge storage tanks, and building two new technical cellars and two new sewage digesters, each with a capacity of some 6,000m3 waste water.

At the Lynetten water treatment plant, waste water from Copenhagen and surrounding municipalities is purified and the sludge treated.
Wastewater Treatment Plant at Lynetten, MT Højgaard Danmark

Overview of each construction part 

The area around the treatment plant contains many pipes in the subsoil, some very close to existing buildings, which is why the work has to be performed with the utmost care.

Initially we demolished two existing sludge treatment tanks, and various solidly reinforced concrete structures to accommodate the new construction. In addition to the two tanks and the filtering system, we established a stair and elevator shaft providing access from the cellar to the top of the sewage digesters, a large cellar construction for pumps, exchangers, piping systems as well as concrete tanks and wells.

All constructions, including reinforcement and prestressed reinforcement, were drawn in a 3D model in order to provide an overview of the construction and the individual components. The model was then transferred to the iPads used on site to create an overview of each part of the construction, with the ability to zoom in and out if needed.

The two digesters are 30m high with a total capacity of 12,000 m2.
Wastewater Treatment Plant at Lynetten, MT Højgaard Danmark

Vietnam delivers 3D 

The treatment plant project is largescale and complex. In order to make the project more manageable, our staff in Vietnam prepared drawings, modelling and collision tests in 3D.

Based on the 3D model, we generated a file with geometric specifications for every reinforcing bar. This file was subsequently exported directly to the supplier’s bar bending machine, after which the bars were delivered in a finished state to the site. Based on the model, we also developed the bar bending lists and reinforcement drawings for the builders.

Additionally we also prepared sections in the 3D model, illustrating how the reinforcement should be built. This was a distinct advantage as the construction is highly complex and the detail is well represented by the 3D model.

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