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Søren Hansen Nybroe

Søren Hansen Nybroe is a manager of tenders. Making the best possible tender takes ability to see the big picture, interpersonal skills, and a winning mentality.

MT Højgaard Danmark employee portrait - Søren Hansen Nybroe

We’re all competitive people

Søren Hansen Nybroe started in MT Højgaard in 2006 straight after finishing his Bachelor of Engineering. He started his career as a graduate, where he got the opportunity to try a year as construction engineer for subcontractors, a year as construction engineer for our own production, and a year as manager of tenders.

It wasn’t in the cards for Søren to end up working with bidding, but today he works as a manager of tenders. Søren originally thought he wanted to work at construction sites. But during the graduate course bidding caught his interest, and as it happened there was an opening in the department of tenders.

Overview and cooperation

As a manager of tenders, it is Søren’s job to have an overview of a case. That means obtaining knowledge and cooperating across the company.

- A manager of tenders is a generalist who knows a little bit about everything rather than everything about a little bit. In my job I am the only one along with the project manager and the project design manager who has an overview over the entire case. We have a lot of experts at MT Højgaard, and it is my job to reach out to them for help. I also work with production. Here my knowledge form working on construction sites is indispensable.

MT Højgaard Danmark employee portrait - Søren Hansen Nybroe

Succeeding is awesome

An archetypical day for a manager of tenders doesn’t exist. The workday is characterized by phases and is always changing from when the quotation arrives until the best possible tender is given.

- When starting a tender my first job is to obtain knowledge, uncover problems, and set the right team. The beginning takes immersion unlike right before finishing the tender where everything is very intense and hectic, and all the loose ends needs to be tied up.

Søren has no doubt about what the most exciting thing in his job is:

- That is handing in a tender to the client. And nothing beats being selected as winner. Nothing matches that feeling. It is awesome to succeed when we’ve put a lot of energy and hard work into a tender.

It takes a winning mentality

Søren thinks liking competition and having a winning mentality is crucial to succeed at working with tenders.

- We’re all competitive people, and we are passionate about giving the best tender. We enjoy our winning mentality. I think we have a special and close atmosphere in our team where we back each other up. There is plenty of help to gain, and we are a good mix of experienced and younger employees.

Søren has calculated both small and great big cases, and he thinks that getting to follow the beginning of won cases is a big advantage:

- It can be difficult to let go of a project when having put so much energy into it. That is why it is exiting to follow the beginning and make sure it gets off on the right foot when we win a project. In short, I really love my job!

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