We’re all competitive people
Søren Hansen Nybroe started in MT Højgaard in 2006 straight after finishing his Bachelor of Engineering. He started his career as a graduate, where he got the opportunity to try a year as construction engineer for subcontractors, a year as construction engineer for our own production, and a year as manager of tenders.
It wasn’t in the cards for Søren to end up working with bidding, but today he works as a manager of tenders. Søren originally thought he wanted to work at construction sites. But during the graduate course bidding caught his interest, and as it happened there was an opening in the department of tenders.
Overview and cooperation
As a manager of tenders, it is Søren’s job to have an overview of a case. That means obtaining knowledge and cooperating across the company.
- A manager of tenders is a generalist who knows a little bit about everything rather than everything about a little bit. In my job I am the only one along with the project manager and the project design manager who has an overview over the entire case. We have a lot of experts at MT Højgaard, and it is my job to reach out to them for help. I also work with production. Here my knowledge form working on construction sites is indispensable.