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Nordstjerne School

Nordstjerne School, MT Højgaard Danmark
At the Nordstjerne school in Frederikshavn it is a priority that parts of the education can take place in the common areas.
Nordstjerne School, MT Højgaard Danmark

PPP building

The Nordstjerne School was built as a Public-Private Collaboration project (PPC), in which Frederikshavn municipality is the school’s owner. MT Højgaard was the design and build contractor and, in partnership with DEAS, is responsible for the operation and maintenance for 25 years.

Multiple functionality ensures learning environments of the future

Flexibility and multiple functionality enjoy a high priority at the Nordstjerne school. The design of the school is a combination of concrete walls and light plaster walls: and there is an emphasis on teaching in communal areas.

Energy optimised school

The Nordstjerne School is in the vanguard with regard to energy optimisation. Solar panels have been installed on the roof of the school and can produce the equivalent of the annual energy consumption of 20 households. Essentially, the school has been built according to the energy requirements expected to apply in 2020, which means that it will remain at the forefront in energy terms.

The school is designed with a combination of concrete walls and lightweight gypsum wall boards.
Nordstjerne School, MT Højgaard Danmark

School building of the year in 2013

In 2013, the Nordstjerne School was voted the school of the year at the ”Building the School of the Future 2013” conference.

Comments on the school from some of the voting panel include:

  • It’s a fantastic and great looking school to be at. When you come in, you’re immediately in the heart of the school, which gives you the feeling that this is a good place to be. I’m delighted that my children are lucky enough to be pupils at Nordstjerne School.
  • I chose the Nordstjerne School because my child’s well-being, learning and interaction with other children of the same age, not to mention with the entire school have been taken into consideration. Sustainable solutions have been integrated throughout the building and can be directly used in the teaching. A school that you can learn from!
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Skolen kan med sine 14.185 m2 rumme op til 1.150 elever og 160 lærere.
Nordstjerneskolen,  Frederikshavn, Uddannelse, Forskning, ESG, MT Højgaard Danmark