Carpenter foreman Jacob Voxen: ”Danish craftsmen deliver high quality, and we’re proud of that.”
It’s usually at 4:50 a.m. that I start my car and head to work. For a lot of people that might be way to early to go to work, but for me it’s the greatest. There’s a very special light over Copenhagen, and the city is nice and quiet when it wakes up. At 5:45 I eat my breakfast and have a cup of coffee on the construction site while Østerbro wakes up around me. After that I go through the tasks of the day before my work gang starts at 6:30.
I knew early on that I wanted to be a craftsman. Using my hands and my head is great. After finishing school, I got on my bike and rode it out to a couple of carpenters close to where I lived. Their work looked exciting, and they spent most of their time outside. So, I got an apprenticeship, and when I finished it I stayed in the same company for seven more years. After that, I went to MT Højgaard where I’ve been happy to stay ever since.